It took soooo much longer than I’d hoped, but I’m crossing my fingers that there will be fewer typos because of it. I literally went through it ten times for typos/formatting/word errors.
I’m still not sure I caught them all but my brain tried to leak out my right ear after the second coffee today, so I figured it would be good enough. Hopefully.
I also delved into the world of Twitter this week. After avoiding it for the last ten years I caved. I need to grow an audience and I’m sure hoping this will help! But it did highlight and confirm my suspicions about it, and validated my reason for avoidance in the first place-
I have an addictive personality for social media, and Twitter is SO FUN!
I’m really going to have to make sure I don’t spend my free time there instead of writing, which is a legit fear.
Next step- finalize my cover and book 2, The Stone Dragon, is available for preorder for a December 26th, 2017 launch.
Happy tweeting… er, reading