So much for spring.
I woke to the sound of bangs and thumps and wondered if my house was falling apart (spoiler alert- it wasn’t, I just live in the chinook zone)
Luckily, my coffee is amazing. The best investment I ever made was a 50$ coffee maker that I can set the night before. I wake up many days even before my alarm to the smell of coffee. It’s a much gentler way to wake than an old school alarm clock, and I’m sitting here composing my thoughts as the caffeine begins to work.
February is gone, 1/6 of 2019 already flown into the cold. I had a mystery anthology come out in January, The Raven and the Witch Hunter Omnibus in February, and on March 12th my Mischief and Clovers anthology will launch for St. Patricks Day. (That link is below)
Plus, my ongoing project with co-writing an epic fantasy, which I’m finally allowed to share- YAY!
It’s a massive shared world project with 7 authors and I can’t wait until my book comes out (I’m book 7, so a few months to go still!)
Book 1 launches on March 19th, so I’ll share more about that next time, but here’s the cover for mine- isn’t it amazing? Christian Bentulan has outdone himself for sure!

Gorgeous, right?
You can also download the prequel now for free!
That cover is pretty sweet as well-
For the rest of today, I’m going to head to work, brave another -20 celsius morning and hope for warmer weather. Every time the sun stays out in the sky another 5 minutes I think maybe today is the day, but nope. I still live in Canada.
I am hanging my hopes on the wind today though. If it’s a lion today, perhaps the lamb will appear in the near future and then I can start enjoying the great outdoors again!
Ciao for now,
H. M. Gooden