I’m not sure when every holiday turned into a weekend, but a few years ago I noticed a sudden creep.
Days turned into weekends, then holidays became weeks. Now don’t get me wrong- I like the celebration of chocolate as much as the next writer, but I dislike the extreme commercialism of the buy-buy-buy that everything seems to require.
So, in addition to my regular work, writing, and home life, I’ve been pleasantly surprised this year to be fighting with my children’s eagerness to give me their presents early.
This was tormenting my middle daughter right now. She was so excited to give me the gift she worked all week to make at school that she was literally vibrating on Thursday when her impatience came to a head.
This conversation unfolded;
“I want to give it to you now!!!”
“Oh sweetie, I want to wait and get it on
The look of stunned surprise on their face led to the expected question.
“Why? Don’t you like to get presents every day?”
“Of course I do! But it would be like getting all my Christmas presents early, and having nothing to open on Christmas day. How would you feel if that happened to you?”
Realization dawned.
“Oh. I would be sad if that happened.”
And that was the last I heard about it. Since then, she’s gone out of her way to hide it from me, giggling when I get too close to the spot and telling me not to look.
Years ago, I know I would have had the same impatience she did, but I can already see how much more she is enjoying the
I am too. Not because of anything fancy, or big plans we made. Not because of any commercial event.
I am looking forward to remembering why I wanted to be a mother in the first place, and back to all those who’ve helped guide my path in life, both good and bad.
For those with happy memories of Mother’s day, and for those who have yet to make any, I see this as a day to honor those who give selflessly to others, whether they are your mother or not.
The school secretary who helps hundreds of children, the librarian who encourages a love of reading in everyone who passes through her door. The cashier who gives an extra-bright smile to someone passing through who looks sad, or the person who buys that coffee to get you through the morning.
So many people have brightened my life and supported me on my journey around the sun. I may have been born on Mother’s day, many years ago, but the best gift I’ve ever received are all the wonderful people who’ve touched my life.
So this mothers day, have a piece of chocolate and a smile from me, wherever you are.
And to all the mother’s in my life- thank you for everything.