I am so excited!
Tomorrow is launch day for my next novella, Darkness on the Nile!!!
(Enough exclamation marks? Maybe 😉
I’m really excited about this one. It started as a little contribution to an anthology, and then it carried itself away into another little trilogy.
I’m not sure why that keeps happening but I can’t say I mind. I love falling for new characters and following them on their adventures- it’s as close to traveling as I get these days since having a brood of my own IRL.
I can’t wait to see what people think- here’s the link!
It will be available everywhere you can buy ebooks, and as you can tell from the picture above, I will be creating a paperback version. (I’m waiting to release that until after I get my author copy. If you would like to win your own free copy with proof written on it, all you have to do is show up for the party tomorrow on facebook for the Darkness on the Nile Launch party!
***Disclaimer- it won’t let me preview the link so I hope it works! ***
I hope you can join me!!
Also- if you haven’t picked up your copy of Dream of Darkness, Book 1 in the Rise of the Light trilogy, it’s free now for a limited time!

I’ll keep it short and sweet this week because there’s so much to do, but I’d love to see you tomorrow at my facebook party 🙂
Ciao for now,
H. M. Gooden