It has been such an amazing few weeks for me, both personally and professionally. With everything I’ve had on the go I admit to feeling more than usually scattered, but at least I can say it was for all the most positive reasons!
Darkness on the Nile launched on May 29th and I had myself a little party. I received the paperback proofs in the mail just before flying away for conference and had a chance to read and approve it on the plane.
Now I’m trying to decide the best way to purchase a few copies- author copy vs using prime (stupid shipping costs to
(end game to be determined…stay tuned!)
And of course, one lucky winner will get a copy mailed right to them, just for taking a pic or either of my Darkness novels and posting it on my group, Gooden’s Summerland Gate.
Contest open until June 30, the prize to be awarded on July 1st to celebrate Canada Day!
I also reached number 45 on the Amazon free book store with Dream of Darkness, and number 1 for paranormal and UF category as well as YA!
I would have loved to go higher overall, but being number one in anything is something I didn’t expect to see for a few more years, so I’ll take it!

This is the first time I’ve posted about it because I haven’t been able to reconcile the screenshots with reality lol
I flew home last night after 4 full days and nights away from my babies and while I missed them fiercely, I feel so enriched and soul replete this morning.
Spending the time with old and new friends, with women who get the challenges of being a mom in the line of work we’ve all chosen was wonderful.
You know what they say- there is nothing like belonging to something bigger than you. Also, there’s no place like home.
Even the realization today is Monday can’t get me down.
I’ve made my lists of things to get done, did my laundry (I’m one of those people who get home and put everything in the washing machine haha!)
Now I’m looking forward to the week ahead.
Rejuvenated, refreshed, and really in love with my life just the way it is.

Warts, laundry, whining, and all.
Have a wonderful month!
H. M. Gooden