I find it’s harder the focus in the summer.
The days are long and I have just enough energy—or maybe I should say trouble falling asleep due to the longer days— that my ever-persistent PITA habit of saying, “Of course I have time to do that” rears its ugly head.
I saw a meme recently that made me laugh and cry at the same time—
I’m not sure about you, but holy man does that ring true for me!
(PS- this person is a genius.)
On the writing side, I made commitments to write another six books in the cowriting series (next book releases August 13!!!), but there are three more complete trilogies trying to get out of my head, complete with blurbs, covers, and the whole 9 yards, all trying to vie for supremacy
What’s a girl to do?
At least the covers are pretty ;p

Thursday begins our annual family trip back to my parent’s farm and I’m forcing myself to remember this doesn’t mean I’m suddenly going to tie up all of the loose writing ends the way I dream it does.
Days off are enjoyable and a nice break from the day-to-day, but they are rarely free days. Instead, they’re filled with all of the things that make life worthwhile and enjoyable. Friends, family, time spent with my children. I’m looking forward to it, while simultaneously trying to rein in that bad-boy named Good Intentions.
Why can’t I just have a time turner like Hermione?
The single most amazing invention or magical instrument I’ve ever heard of. Obviously, created by a woman who was praying for extra hours in a day. Plus, look how beautiful this is!
(Yes, I will happily accept one. especially if it actually works 🙂 )

Now that would truly be magical!
Have a great summer!
H. M. Gooden