Does anyone else feel like they’ve lost an entire year? Again?
Honestly, without looking back to see the actual date, I can’t even remember the last time I blogged.
I had been blogging on a regular basis for the last 2 to 3 years either on my author page or on my private musings page.
But 2019 kicked my butt.

We’re in the home stretch now, with three weeks or so left, and I’m not exaggerating when I say I really don’t know where the year went.
I think a big part of that confusion has to do with the way I committed, or should we say overcommitted, myself to so many new ventures.
While I regret nothing,

I can’t deny how overwhelmed I have been at times.
I started several anthologies, as well as, um, at least three cowriting projects.
Each of these stretched me in ways I hadn’t expected and as they always do, took far more time than I’d anticipated.
Then there were my own personal projects of course, which did not unfold as I had hoped.
(Read above sentence about things taking longer than expected.)
I had fully anticipated having an entirely new trilogy ready to launch but alas, and it never happened. I only managed to publish one book in the Rise of the Light series, in addition to all of the other things I had in the works.
So, what does that mean for 2020?
The first thing I’m going to be doing is taking a course that came highly recommended to me by another author.
( Thanks Scarlett!)
She felt it really helped her manage her time and commitments, and clearly, that would be beneficial for me.
As the course will start next week, I’m hopeful my plans in 2020 will end up falling closer to my targets than 2019 did.
The biggest thing I’m working on now is practicing saying no.
I must stop signing up for everything that appeals to me.
Or buying every cover that appeals to me. 🙂
When I look at my goals, they seem familiar.
I’m 99% sure I said this last year.
I did not do well in achieving my goal of doing less, but the ride, while bumpy, was exhilarating as always.
With my deadlines for December now in check, projects completed, and no preorders on the horizon until I figure out how I’m going to do this, I plan to settle in for as relaxing holiday season as I can muster.
Sure, I’ll still be working and writing, but the idea of being deadline-free for a while is nice.
Maybe next year I’ll be a little more organized, maybe not.
After all, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
At my age if I keep doing this to myself, it just might be because I enjoy it, deep down. Lewis Carroll may have summed it up best.

What are your goals looking into 2020?
I’d love to hear them!
H. M. Gooden