Am I the only one that has Christmas songs on a loop in their head during the Christmas season?

It feels like a radio instead of an earworm at least, which is nice. And it helps fill some of the household task monotony. I have to admit I’m more excited this year than I’ve been in recent years, which has a lot to do with the ages of my children.
Now that they are 4, 7,and 8, they are almost beside themselves with anticipation and it reminds me of my childhood. How the excitement would build and build until absolutely nothing could ever live up to what you dreamed of in your head.
The gap between expectation and reality was larger then. As an adult I don’t expect quite as much, but I’m not immune to that same buildup and being left crestfallen when every day on the path to a holiday isn’t the carnival your brain would like it to be.
But I don’t think of that as a bad thing.
In many ways it keeps me focused on the blessings in my life. Not to be cheesy, but I have quite a few. After our near miss accident in November where the truck, our new truck, was a complete right off I have even more reasons to be grateful.
My husband and three children walked away without a scratch under some very very scary circumstances. Talk about an early Christmas present!
With only two days left until Christmas my brain has a list of the things still left to do. At least this year I had a free weekend beforehand. Many years that isn’t the case. Overall, I think I’m as ready as one can get.
There’s always the last minute details you forget until, well, the last minute, but otherwise I think I’ve got the food, the gifts, the cookies.
Now to start managing my mind!
I’m not going to lie- I’m one of the people who looks forward to New years resolutions. I don’t just resolve at New Years though. I may not do exactly quarterly, the way I’m going to attempt to do things this year, but at least a few times a year I review my goals and see where I landed.
I’m a distractible person, so making lists is my way to survive life in general. I’ve recently discovered a Kanban board, which is a glorified list. Instead of the wall version recommended in the course I’m taking, I’ve decide to attempt the digital version. It’s a cleaner version of what I’ve been doing already, and I’m looking forward to seeing what it does for my organization level.
Wish me luck!
I’ve been trying to organize myself in a variety of ways since my early teens, and generally lose interest (or the planner lol)
But never has this been more important then since I added writing to my daily activities. With the amount of finished and unfinished projects roaming around my head and computer, it’s well past time.
Now that my brain is emptied out into Trello though, the proof is in the christmas pudding.
Will I be able to relax and not work this week?
Wish me luck!
Wishing everyone a very warm, happy holiday season with the ones you love, wherever you are. From me and mine to you and yours, may the end of 2019 be restful and allow you to recharge your batteries as we enter a year of vision together.
Looking forward to 2020!

H. M. Gooden