With everything in the world right now, it’s hardly a surprise I haven’t had the energy or attention span to focus on this blog.
It isn’t that I haven’t been writing- far from it! I write daily on my mags gooden.com blog for those interested in more poetical/philosophical leanings, and have been working on edits for my upcoming books.
Not to mention homeschooling.
Um, yeah. Not what I signed up for. But the kids are enjoying the extra sleeping in and screen time, and they may or may not think they are on a vacation….
It’s been a weird month, no?

Like, dogs eating with people-hands weird.
And for once I’m pretty sure it isn’t just me!
In good news, my novella, The Lost Soul, is going to be live on April 15th!

I know many people are having a rough time right now, and I wanted to give you a virtual hug (as regular hugs are currently verboten)
We will get through this together.
And the good part? We can all catch up on our to be read pile…..
Ciao for now, drop me a line if you are so inclinded
H. M. Gooden