Where does the time keep going?
It’s been almost a month since my last post, and the world feels like a flower in bud. Finally!

Slowly, the way we used to live feels like it’s returning.
Stores are opening, services we’ve all missed are back.
Where I live, as of Friday, you should be able to get your nails done, if that’s your thing.
Haircuts apparently were worth protesting over a few months ago, but I sailed over that bar due to laziness likely more than anything else. In fact, for the first time in my life, I cut my own hair.
I’m not sure if it’s ego, narcissism, sheer pride, or the usual long to short change excitement, but I can’t stop touching it.
Fittingly, I updated my author pic to this one. (Look at the beaming pride at my selfie of my self-haircut! lol)

And no, it wasn’t just a trim. I did an undershave (with my husbands assistance. I’m not that courageous/foolish to do things when I can’t see them)
It’s a perfect cut for the warmer weather which finally seems to be here. But one thing that taking the chance on a covid-cut made me aware of was how few of the things we think we need are actually necessities.
I mean, I went 40+ years thinking I needed to pay someone to do my hair cuts. I just may keep cutting my hair now…I just need to sharpen my scissors…brb…
In terms of work, everything has moved slower than I thought it would or planned for.
It’s hard to concentrate with all the uncertainty in the world. Every aspect of life is impacted. My work routine is off and I’m working more. The kids are at home, being schooled by daddy. (I tried to work from home once—Never. Again. Ever.)
Surprisingly, phone calls are more exhausting than dealing with humans in person. I miss the body language and reading faces and it reminded me of a lecture I attended once that said only 20% of what we communicate is the words alone.
For the first time, I really am getting how much we rely on non-verbal communication. I have to speak louder and work harder to get the proper context in conversations and make sure people are understanding me. I dream of the day when this will be over, simply to sit down and ask someone in real life how they are.
The little things I took for granted have been adding up.
I still dream of cutting back a little on my day job after the pandemic. I don’t see quitting my “day job” though, because I love making a difference in people’s lives. Even so, I yearn to dedicate more of my time to writing because of the pandemic reminding us we never know how much time we have left. That isn’t new, but it is a rude slap on the face, creating a sense of urgency to complete all those projects I’ve kept on the back burner.
That includes about 6 completed first drafts, along with my current WIP, which is the third in the Born of Destiny series, and finally ready for the beta reading stage.
Hopefully, it will be done before the end of summer and I can move on to some of the other unfinished projects I want to check off my list his year!
Where’s a time turner when you need one?
Ciao for now,
May the sun always warm your back and the road be gentle beneath your feet,
H. M. Gooden
Good morning, Heather.
What a breath of fresh, real air this morning. I am not as brave as you to cut my own hair. It’s thin and layered, and I will wait until my scheduled time on 6-29. Until then, I have hats and bandanas 🙂 I love how you have committed to writing in the pandemic, using it as motivation. I am still struggling to get that first book written. So much is happening in our world, in our own families, in our own hearts. May today be fruitful as you extend yourself to others. Love in Christ, Julie
HAHA! My hair is curly and big- easy to mess up, but at the same time it grows fast and it’s only hair ;p
As for writing- all in good time Julie! Sometimes book(s) needs to percolate before they are done cooking.
I am certain you will get where you are meant to as you continue working on your spiritual path. God be with you in all your endeavours 🙂