So, I’m clearly not great at keeping up on what’s been going on in life, but I’m finding 2020 is a little kick in the pants, to say the least.
I vaguely remember making plans in December, and then the little baby who takes over from the old man on New Year’s Eve was Damien.
And he’s angry at everyone and everything.
And evil.

Yeah, so, anyways…
It’s taken a few months for my head to stop spinning, but in that time I’ve decided to change almost everything about my life.
In the next few weeks, I’ll be picking up and moving two provinces away, closer to my family and friends, (further from some wonderful people I’ve met over the last ten years, which sucks) and starting a new job right back where I came from.
Apparently, it only takes 25 years and an apocalypse to recover from high school. I remember when high school was the hardest thing ever. Maybe I’m nostalgic, but I can’t wait to go home again!

The other thing I’m going to do is another year of Nanowrimo, but…
I’m being a rebel.
2020 has once again proved life is short so eat dessert first, and that means I’m using this Preptober to organize all the half-finished writing projects I’ve got going and finish them in November.
If all goes according to plan (covid willing?) I will finish the month with at least 2 preorders ready to go, and edits done on a few other short projects.
What do you plan to do for Nanowrimo this year?
Rebel or Traditional?
I’d love to hear from you, either here or in my groups,
Nanowriters, UNITE!!!
H. M. Gooden