That sentence feels weird, wrong, exciting, unbelievable, and upside down.
As if I’mAlice, and have fallen down a well full of deep excitement, instead of a rabbit hole.
A book series I co-wrote has done well this week, and has hit number one on the charts in fantasy in multiple countries, so the statement is true (and we have the orange sticker to prove it!) but feels…
dang odd, to say the least.

(Okay, we’re above Witcher on Amazon. I just got more excited, not going to lie!)
What do writers dream of? Well, selling books and accolades are part of it of course. I think it would be a lie to say they aren’t at all important.
This was a goal I kind of had, in a nebulous, ill defined way. But now that it has actually happened, it confirmed something else for me.
I’m not writing to sell books or have a sticker/title/etc.
I’m truly writing because I love it 100%.
I wake up each morning wondering what I can work on. I go to bed most nights thinking about what I can do the next day.
My biggest complaint about writing in fact is simply that I don’t have more time to do it.
Yet, as much as I complain, I think part of the reason I look forward to it as much as I do is because it occupies a really special part of my life—the place where dreams and what may be lives.
If it was a full time job, I don’t know if I would be as true to those dreams as I am now.
So, as much as I dream of being able to write for as long and as often as I want to, my dreams are as rich and vibrant as ever, best selling sticker notwithstanding.
But boy, does that sticker feel amazing!