I can’t remember my last official author update.
Between work, COVID, kids, family, and trying to keep up via zoom with everyone and their dog (or cat—am I the only one who looks forward to animal sightings on meetings these days?) life has been a never ending stream of “things”.
2021 is coming to a close before we know it, and she was a little disappointing compared to my dreams of what she’d be like.
While arguably an improvement over 2020, 2021 has still been a bit of a slog. If we were talking about children, in terms of birth order, 2020 was like the middle child.
I’m likely not alone hoping for a cuter, more appealing younger sibling to be the next on the scene for our 2022 edition.
Waves of lockdowns and new strains have drained me, but overall the year has been relatively gentle on me. I’m finally starting to get used to living with uncertainty. (As much as someone who needs to plan their life months and years ahead to soothe the spinning of my hamster wheel can get used to things like that).
The good news is that means I’ve got back a little bit of energy to sit down and focus on writing again!
Woo hoo!
And along with writing is editing, the less motivational but more important aspect. Luckily for me, editing has come along for the ride. So, what does any of this rambling mean for you, you may be asking.
Well, I’ll tell you!
It means a new book is coming in less than two weeks!
Seasons of Summerland is a collection of twelve (or is it thirteen?) short stories, one for every month of the year.
Beginning with January, the darkest and coldest time of year, the reader will travel through each month in turn.
Some of the selected works are light; full of the wonder of Christmas as a child, or a first kiss. Others are dark and gritty with the finality of death, or the heartbreak of a true love lost.
But in every ending, there is a new beginning.
Just like every year eventually does, the darkness inevitably melts away with the arrival of the light of spring and the warmth of summertime.
May the magic of the stories within these pages transport you to a land where it is always summer.
Available for preorder now, and will be launching December 15th in ebook and paperback format- just in time to usher in the holidays and 2022.