Where does one begin?
From my vantage point, it appears that, despite the cold and enormous amounts of snow being dumped on us where I live, the world is still on fire.

I can’t tell if this is any different than in the past, but it feels more real and more local everywhere right now, no matter where one looks.
I’m not sure if it’s because of the instant nature of social media, and I can’t tell if social media is bringing us closer together or pulling us apart, but it would be remiss to have an author update without at least tipping my hat to the low grade (and at times high grade) daily anxiety that seems to permeate each day.
Now, outside of doing what I can to effect change in my real and daily life, I’ve been trying hard to stay away from the chatter (I get really angry and whiny. I don’t like how it feels or sounds coming out of my mouth, and pretty sure no one else does either.)
As a result, I’ve been more absent than usual in virtual spaces. It all makes my head and heart hurt. Luckily, writing, as always, is a balm for my soul.
It allows me a place where I can process my feelings and focus on the positives for at least a few moments every day. And above all else, it allows me to create something beautiful where I can bring light to my life, and hopefully into the lives of others as well.
“You become what you think about all day long.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve discovered in the last two years nothing is more relevant and true- the more I write about the good in my life instead of focusing on the bad, the better I feel.
Of course, I do still wish I had the kind of magic my characters do— I’d love to heal with a touch, fly, or know how to talk to someone in pain in a way to ease their spirit and bring hope.
Yet, maybe I still can, at least a little, with my morning poetry. I’m still writing magic and novels behind the scenes, but the daily grind of working through a pandemic has slowed my writing pace to nearly a crawl, and some days a short poem is all I can manage.
I’m happy to say I just finished a first draft of a light-hallmark-holiday-type book, which is the first full novel I’ve completed since the pandemic began. My publishing pace is practically nonexistent compared to the 19 books/novellas/short stories I released in 2019, but that’s okay.
Writing isn’t about how fast you get there. Sometimes words flow like rain; at other times, it’s more like digging a garden, planting a seed, and waiting. Both ways create a more beautiful world, which is what matters in the end.

For everyone reading, I hope life has smoothed out for you if it’s been rough, or that you’re thriving if you haven’t experienced anything too tough. ( you may actually be magical, if this is the case)
We’re all in different places. We’ve all seen and experienced more than we wanted since 2020. But despite all the terrible things that have happened, I still believe we’re all in this together, even if sometimes it feel may feel like we’ve never been so alone.
I see you there, doing your best.
And I’m so grateful to know you are.
Take care, stay well, and if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere like I am, stay inside where it’s warm and use it as a chance to catch up on your to be read pile 😉
H. M. Gooden