I’m always stunned when I sit down and try to write updates. Like, wait, how did I lose almost an entire month? Again? It always reminds me of my grandmother telling me how fast time flies when you get older, and how I’d just stared at her, completely not understanding why she thought Halloween and […]
Friday the 13th!
Its been over two weeks since I last updated the world on my writing status. (less if you know me IRL, in which case, thanks for listening 😉 The last few weeks have been so rewarding from a creative point of view, and once again I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a […]
Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can. It’s seldom found in women, And never found in men. My grandmother used to say this to me all the time, from a very early age. I’m not sure if it’s because she could see what an impatient child I was, or if she knew that […]