Balancing acts

Okay, I’m still working on balance. But that’s not a bad thing, right? It’s like any other skill or muscle thing–the more you practice, the better you get. So far since my last update, I’ve narrowed down the calendars I’m using by one, which is a success. I had started to compare planners more than […]

Beware the Ides of March!

The weather is filling me with hope this week, but with the faintest niggling of uncertainty that just like a sibling, it’s merely softening me up to play a trick. It’s consistently been above zero on my way home from work this week. Canadian that I am, I’ve been so warm I’ve left my winter […]

March 1st; enter the lion

So much for spring. I woke to the sound of bangs and thumps and wondered if my house was falling apart (spoiler alert- it wasn’t, I just live in the chinook zone) Luckily, my coffee is amazing. The best investment I ever made was a 50$ coffee maker that I can set the night before. […]

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Well, it looks like it’s Valentine’s Day again. Does anybody else love going to Walmart and seeing all of the little candies and heart they have available? I mean, it’s not like the chocolate quality is the best, but something about that process super sweet milk chocolate makes me feel like I’m about five every […]