May Day, Launch Day!

Darkness on the Nile

Whew! I am so excited! Tomorrow is launch day for my next novella, Darkness on the Nile!!! (Enough exclamation marks? Maybe 😉 I’m really excited about this one. It started as a little contribution to an anthology, and then it carried itself away into another little trilogy. I’m not sure why that keeps happening but […]

Mother’s Day Weekend

I’m not sure when every holiday turned into a weekend, but a few years ago I noticed a sudden creep. Days turned into weekends, then holidays became weeks. Now don’t get me wrong- I like the celebration of chocolate as much as the next writer, but I dislike the extreme commercialism of the buy-buy-buy that […]

April showers

After the initial thrill of snowmelt wore off, the last few days have descended into the greyness of spring- where it can’t decide if it wants to be warm or cold. Even though I’m frustrated I can’t enjoy a leisurely walk without wearing three layers, as I type this, the sound of birds outside my […]

April already?

It’s ridiculous how fast time goes when you feel like every second is dragging. I had the dubious delight of spending the week suffering from something that felt suspiciously like influenza, complete with fevers, chills and that deep chesty cough that makes you wonder if you’re going to break a rib. Of course, I went […]

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Well, it looks like it’s Valentine’s Day again. Does anybody else love going to Walmart and seeing all of the little candies and heart they have available? I mean, it’s not like the chocolate quality is the best, but something about that process super sweet milk chocolate makes me feel like I’m about five every […]